Welcome from Albie Derbyshire & Elizabeta Kuzevska

My Referral Frenzy Strategy

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Hi it's Albie.



Ok, so Elizabeta and I have used Referral Frenzy for a long time.
It’s one of the most effective safelist programs out there.
I call it the “Safelist Superstar!” LOL. That’s because if you get it for $15 mo.
and set it up to every site then you can potentially connect it with 99 safelists,
and you get 1000 credits (on average per Safelist) so combined that’s like
getting 99,000 credits a month to advertise with! 

Let me give you some hints on using Referral Frenzy effectively: 
Here’s the drawback and advantage: 
1000 credits only gives you one message per Safelist (if you send an email ad for
1000 credits for instance). However, you can go on and join another Safelists
and send out another message (99 to join! Haha) so you could potentially join a
new mailer and send a new message through RF every single day
for 3 months without clicking for credits! 
The first month you would be able to send out to all 30 of the mailers you joined
last month and send a new message to all of them in 3 clicks.

Then do the same thing you did last month
and join another mailer each day and send a new message each day.
The second month you could send to 60 mailers in three clicks (haha)!
You can do that again the third month and then send to another mailer each day
(for 1000 credits) and then at the end send to 90 mailers in 3 clicks. If you catch me!  
By the tenth day of the fourth month you would have exhausted the mailers but all
you have to do to send a message to one mailer each day is to just click an average
of 5-10 ads and you can send again. 
So to recap, each month you would get another 1000 credits per Safelist so if you did
what I said, you could email 99 mailers in 3 clicks (without clicking for ANY credits).
 After this you would have to click for credits in the mailer you wanted to send a message to
(I can click about 10 ads in 3 mins and in an hour of clicking I can send to about 10-15 mailers
a day in RF with 3 clicks). 
Of course if you choose the option to upgrade in any one Safelist INSIDE of RF
then you would have additional credits you could use without clicking.

This is what I did slowly over a couple years and just saved up little to upgrade
in one each month. Some people can do this and some can’t). 
But the way I described only costs $15 mo and gives you an average of 99,000
free credits and gives you a lot of mailing options as I just explained earlier. 
Anyway, if you want to join Referral Frenzy through our link, simply ask us for our TRAINING

PS: If you do want to do the $19 mo and be able to sell RF as an affiliate,
then I will make you a special page, that will allow you to earn as well. ??
This is what my personal page looks like (yours would be similar): 
This will take you to a welcome Referral Frenzy sales page that will
give away a free training (connected with your Referral Frenzy link!

Just realize that welcome “sales” pages do not often work
(sometimes they do) but the biggest way to actually get new
paying members is: 
1)  Do enough hits to get enough subscribers to get 1-2 new people who email us
back to ask us for our link. This personal connection is what gets us new members
in our business all the time 
2) We get a new member on average once a day, and once your email list
is big enough, it will eventually do the same for you.
(We worked hard for many years to make this happen). Ok! ??
I truly hope this helps you! 


So before I mail out through Referral Frenzy, I spend at least an hour,
clicking on at least ten emails in each mailer that I'm not upgraded in.
In addition, if you ARE UPGRADED it pays to click also as you get
more points for your clicks and can send your ads to even MORE people! 



~Albie Derbyshire
& Elizabeta Kuzevska



DISCLAIMER: Albie & Elizabeta are not owners nor have any rights or controls over Referral Frenzy.
What we have presented here is to the best of our knowledge and all information and guidance must be taken at your own risk.
Be it also known that this training will bring profit to those sharing this training if someone buys a monthly subscription to Referral Frenzy.

Have Questions?
Connect with us at EliAlbie67@gmail.com

We're here to help you! 

Elizabeta Kuzevska
Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692


Created byAlbie Derbyshire 2020